Monday, November 27, 2006

for His good pleasure

I just watched the movie
Chariots of Fire again.

I love the line where
Olympic runner Eric Liddell
says in his Scottish brogue,
"I believe God made me
for a purpose...
but He also made me fast.
And when I run, I feel His pleasure."

I feel much the same way
about photography.

I love capturing God's creation,
discovering "windows"
which reflect
His heart and
His beauty.

When I'm exploring the world
with camera in hand,
I feel God's delight
as I worship....

for His good pleasure...


Anonymous said...

agreed, my friend! Capturing his handiwork... capturing the essence of who He is in the beauty of His creation... of His people... a great gift, friend...

Josh Osborne said...

Hey Melissa! I just found your blog through Becky's link. Great photo's from our professional 4th of July on-site photographer! Excellent work!